June 2021
Summer Club booking forms are available. You can also book online - look for the link to the booking form in your email.
Paper forms are available from the club as usual.
May 2021
Online booking forms are available Please see your emails for a link.
Paper forms are available from the club as usual.
2 November 2020
We have successfully become a Living Wage Employer. You can find us on the Living Wage Foundation web pages and read more about the Real Living Wage.
24 September 2020 AGM
Our Annual General Meeting will now take place on Thursday 8th October at 7pm. We need a quorum of 6 members to hold the AGM. Please attend if you can. To enable us to adhere to current restrictions it will be held on-line as allowed for in the Constitution.
Please email the club at to indicate that you want to take part. Details of how to join the AGM will follow.
As always we welcome and rely on help from parents to run the club. Your participation in the running of the club is very much encouraged! Please make the time to attend the AGM this year as there have been lots of changes.
9th September 2020 AGM
Our Annual General Meeting will take place on Thursday 24th September at 7pm. To enable us to adhere to current restrictions it will be held on-line as allowed for in the Constitution.
Please email the club at to indicate that you want to take part. Details of how to join the AGM will follow.
As always we welcome and rely on help from parents to run the club. Your participation in the running of the club is very much encouraged! Please make the time to attend the AGM this year as there have been lots of changes.
20st August 2020 Charitable Status
We have successfully become a charity. We are registered with OSCR as an SCIO now.
16th January 2020 Committee Meeting
6pm in the Church Hall. All welcome. Agenda below.